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Aktualisiert: 27. Mai

Epinion mé Awíter - The Conquest of Awíter (0w - 43w)

Before the Awíter peninsula was settled by Quertílians, it was under the rule of Medzorian pirates (in Quertílian called Proli'érians), who were delivering slaves to their home country. The Queris had always been an important sea route connecting the in-center of Lees with its out-center and Sinal (directly to the in-center shore and over the Mirror line to the out-center shore) and the Medzorians were the thorn in the flesh of many nations.

The Rulers of the Iron Mountains, Enépi'erians, an independent branch of Dowirenians, gathered an army and under the leadership of king Quer I. (+43w) managed to defeat the Medzorians in the so-called War of Slaves and push them away from Awíter in the year 0w.

This defeat lead to an uprising and revolution in Medzor. Slavery had already been put to question by the intellectuals and was finally made illegal by the emperor Sozökar in 15w.

Meanwhile, the Enépi'erians founded Quertíli'a, started calling themselves Quertílians and founded their new capital Querítel (Quer's castle).

Filqon mé Doenima - The Birth of the Star of Wisdom (44w - 157w)

Quer's grandson was Qaranglin I. (*21w, +105w), who finished the fortifications along the Awíter peninsula (60w).

In year 63w, Di'ater brought first samples of umongqrit to Quertíli'a. Quertíli'a then opened mercantile routes to Tejsen and started delivering new amounts of the Fire Stone to its territorium.

In year 100w, King Amarhin (*75w, + 112w), the "Foolish King", founded a school, which he called "The School of the Natural Wisdoms"- Marqhi mé Doeníra Aiuw, short Aiudoenqhi in Querítel, with the objective to "learn from the nature". His personal goal, which earned him his nickname, was to learn to fly. Although he didn't live to have his wish fulfilled, the school attracted many scholars and was the trigger for Querítel to become the "Alma Mater" of Natural Sciences. In Quertílian, the city is sometimes called Doenima, the Star of Wisdom.

Erestérgiarh - The War of the Fire Blades (158w - 169w)

In 141w, the Quertílian smith Bleiq Urihin found a new method of splitting and grinding umongqrit, so that it could be given a pre-designed shape. King Ustam (*115w +169w) then ordered Urihin to construct a fire blade (Erester), which Urihin managed in 145w. The heat edge of the erestéra turned out to be of great advantage in a battle. After the whole army was equiped with these swords, Ustam's megalomany lead to one of the greatest wars of the Aiweronian history.

Already in year 143w, Ustam changed the name of the city to Ustamqil and of the country to Ustami'a. He wanted to expand the territorium over the whole Halvínor and at least parts of Sinal and believed that countries such as Qrahamri, Hiaridei, Dohaľci, Laienth and even Medzor won't manage to defend themselves against his army of the Lords of the Fire Blades (Biquimíra mé Erestéra, short Erestermíra). The war he started is called the Erestérgiarh (The War of the Fire Blades: 158w - 169w). In a few years, he managed to conquer the Swiweníra (Far Mountains) in Halvínor and the Astiweníra (Long Mountains) between Medzor and Léviér and all the regions in the way. In Medzor, the wealth which the country had gathered in the pirate period was plundered and a big part of it taken as pray to Ustamqil. With it, some of the valuable books from the Big Library of Reglaň, the capital, were saved by enlightened Lords. During centuries, a lot of knowledge had been gathered there on topics such as the Näluň, psychology and all kinds of arts.

For the following 80 years, Quertíli'a and Querítel (both of which got their original names back) were under the supervision of the Dowiren-Lhi'on Alliance (Tuftíla mé Dowiren-is-Lhi'on, TDL).


King Wha'il II. (*213, +292) had been studying the Medzorian books which were stolen during the War of the Fire Blades and thanks to them educated himself in diplomacy, ethics and other soft skills, including the näluň philosophy. He saw the connection between trade, diplomacy, technology and prosperity, applied the Medzorian wisdom on a large, international scale.

In 253w, Wha'il II. ordered the construction of a canal through the lowest parts of the Awíter peninsula to make the passage between the Ris ivoli'il, Queris and the two Querítelian rivers shorter and ease the transport of goods to their destinations. The canal was finished in 292w, the year of Wha'il's death, and now bears his name: Wha'iloweníra.

Anthi'onlion - Industrialization (300w - 511w)

Under Lisi'a I.'s rule (*259w +353w), the city underwent the first wave of industrialization (with advent of witeric steam machines). A big steel mill and gold processing factory were built at the mouth of Zentinola, and an umongqrit grinding factory in Níthal. Other factories soon followed. The railway industry was revolutionized with the construction of the locomotive Falíw Eqi'et (Golden Song) by the Querítelian constructor and inventor Qe'en Li'orthis in the year 310w. This locomotive also made it possible to compensate for the loss of power in regions further away from Bieneialen (but not in the Swipewóhri'on).

At that time, aristocrats were already starting to care about their living environment and made the city mayor Asi'el Qarhin push through a law, which restricted industry only to three areas: Níthal, Aémh and Zentirqil. Aémh especially grew disproportionally quick and wide and the large industrial area is seen by many as a stain on the otherwise beautiful city.

Witerinion - Witerization (512w - ?)

In 395w, Martheli'ot's university was founded and accelerated the growth of witerics as science and industry branch. The first big iamdiwiteric production line, of the company Iamditílmia, was opened in 512w in Aémh. After establishing itself successfully, Martheli'ot's university managed to convince the academics of the Aiudoenqhi to cooperate on research. Combined courses of study where also offered since then.

The developments and the possibilities attracted even more immigrants and under the rule of queen Erini'en II. (*568 +643) and mayor Estrinel Resin, with the addition of the Dohaľcian "expat" municipality of Elquilank (Jelkí lánek - Pleasant corner or "Comfort zone" ), the city reached its today area, stretching on over 60 km of continuing metropolitan area.

Näluň / Neilang

Näluň (Neilang is the Quertílian calque) is a philosophy and a way of life originating from the Eiqaterians, which was rediscovered in...

Basics of witerics and emterics

Witerics is a science which studies umongqrit and the wrixic energy, and the industrial branch which creates witeric products. Even...

Years and their numbering

On Aiwerond, a year (pelí) is the time period which passes between two sunsets happening exactly at the same spot at the horizon. The...

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