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Personal pronouns
In the following table there are the personal pronouns in nominative: All personal pronouns are inflected for case. The paradigm,...
Subordinate direct object clauses
Direct object clauses are subordinate clauses which stand in the place and function of a direct object in the main clause. Most often...
Possessive adjectives Possessive adjectives are formed from the genitive of the possessor by adding the suffix - r, - ra, - ró. puk (boy)...
Pronounciation and orthography
Islandish phonemes are pronounced similarly to Czech, Slovak and Croatian. Here are notes on some specific aspects of the pronounciation...
Verb "viti" (to be)
The verb viti (to be) is irregular in Islandish. The present imperfective paradigm is highly irregular with vowel and consonant...
Nominal derivational suffixes
Here is a list of the most important nominalizers in Islandish. Please note we use è for the epenthetic e, and j and jj for softening .
Evolution from Sinal to Medzor
The evolution of Medzor, is usually divided into the following steps: Sinal (SIN) Early Protomedzor (EPM) Late Protomedzor (LPM) Old...
Sinal phonology
To represent special sinal phonemes, we use traditional digraphs, i.e. romanized digraphs used by sinalistic scholars. Consonants There...
The Sinal language and family
All living languages of the Sinal language family evolved from a common ancestor called Sinal. There is also a highly speculative...
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